24/7 Crisis Support
If you are thinking about suicide or experiencing a personal crisis help is available.
Each year, Lifeline North Coast (NSW) trains new volunteers to become telephone crisis supporters. Our telephone crisis support training is highly regarded in its ability to provide participants with practical skills in active listening, relationship building, questioning, and self-awareness. Specific knowledge is also gained in the areas of grief and loss, suicide, domestic violence, drug & alcohol, and mental health. Training of new crisis supporters each year, in-service training, and ongoing supervision is essential so that the service maintains its high quality of operation.
As a designated training site under the Lifeline Australia RTO 88036, Lifeline North Coast complies with the National Vocational Education & Training Regulation Act 2011.
The CSWT Course comprises accredited Units of Competency, which is designed to train Lifeline Telephone Crisis Supporters.
Units of competency
Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide |
Recognise and respond to crisis situations |
Provide client-centred support to people in crisis |
For more information contact us.